Tuesday 27 April 2010

Double page spread

I only had one draft of my double page spread, I thought it looked great and so it turned out to be my final copy of it. It was all created on the program InDesign. I used an image which was large enough to fill one side of the page, this picture was of one of the band members balancing a spoon on their nose, this is where the band name comes from!
Firstly I had to think of the page setup and how I would like it all to look. I created text boxes which were in the shape of columns, this is sticking to the tradional conventions of a magazine article.

The title of the page I felt had to be large and eye-catching. I made sure it was easily read and in black against the white background to make it as visable as possible. I split the word spoon into two different text boxes, one with white font saying 'sp', this would be against the dark background of the picture. The other was in a black font saying 'oon' and this was against the white background. I decided to do this because then having some text going across the page in into the other makes it all relate well to each other.

The image itself is in black and white to make it look mre professional. It also makes you feel happy as it reminds you of childhood and just having fun. Also it might make you question yourself with, 'I wonder if I can balance a spoon on my nose...'.

The font for the interview is very small and there is a lot of it, having it any larger than size 10 would make it all look too large and then unprofessional. I wrote the interview myself and thought carefully about what questions I would ask 'spoon' and also the answers for the questions. It would be good if I knew a young band that was not well known, then I could ask the questions and get some good answers back from them.

To try and continue with the purple theme I went back onto 'piknik' and onto the symbols, I had found some different things to add onto the page.
Firstly I found this strange shape made up of various blocks, I chose it and coloured it purple, just to text it out I added it onto my page in the top right corner and it fitted in nicely. I kept it as i thought it seemed different and added a bit of origionality. I had also come across some musical notes, there were three kinds and I chose to include these in the sequence of : 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3...ETC. These were also colour purple and all placed along the bottom to add some more colour.

I had recived feedback form my classmates and they said that the image looks a bit plain and needs something else added to it.
I took some of the text from the interview and used that on it in the form of a pull quote. This makes the page look fuller and as if there is a lot more than there really is.

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