Tuesday 27 April 2010

Contents page

I had made a few drafts of how I would like to have my contents page, unfortunately the first of the contents pages was printed but was oversaved with the newer version that I had created.
The previous colour of the contents was a light green as it could suit the front cover very well, this front cover being the first attempt. I did not make very much progress with this contents and it was a good thing as during the making of it I changed the front cover to what it is now.

Following the colour scheme I can see from the front colour the main colours I decided to use on the contents were purple and also this grey/ blue you see. I took the picture of the 'Kettle Chips' for the advert, the colour from this is the grey/ blue and so I decided to use the pipette tool, take that colour and use it as the background for the other side of the contents.

I decided to use 'Kettle Chips' because I know these appeal to a very wide audience from all age ranges and so it appeals to many people.

I have added pictures which are of a club scene, this continues the music vibe that you get from looking through the features and festivals which are provided. The pictures can influence people to go out and enjoy music with their friends aswell as adding more to look at on the page.

The '+ Regulars' idea can to me when I was doing my magazine research. I had come across this style and it was used in quite a few different magazines I had seen. It gave me a chance to add in some purple onto the page aswell as making it look more professional.

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