Wednesday 12 May 2010


I chose to use conventions of many different magazines that I had come across when I did my research of magazines. For one, the use of '+ Regulars' which I have previously mentioned. Small things like these make the whole magazine look more professional.
The style of the font used for the magazine name aswell as the layout also are ideas which I have used, these ideas are more of what I have seen in other magazines.

My music magazine represents a very large audience, all of whom will enjoy their music. My magazine does not focus on any particular genre of music but quite a few. If I wanted I could have made this magazine focus specifically on rock music for example, but that could lose you customers which then loses you money. If you do not focus on just one thing and in turn write about quite a few you will get more interest and attract more different types of people. For example: Instead of just having my magazine about rock I would make it feature R'n'B, Hip-Hop, Dance ETC to get more customers.

My magazine would be sold in newsagents and different stores which you would generally see selling magazines. I could use WorldWide Magazine Distribution Ltd to distribute my magazine because they specialise in the distribution of magazines. They are the leading distributor of magazines to specialist outlets this means that my magazine would produce more money as more people would be able to read it worldwide. Rupert Murdoch who own newspapers and magzines such as The Times could be used because he is very well known and extremely well known. Using Rupert Murdoch would make it all very much easier as he would certainly be interested in helping a magazine in which is available for many people and lots of people would be interested in it.

My audience is mainly focused at the age range of 16-25, this is mostly because this age range is the one which is most likely to go out and buy a music magazine. Also the articles which would be involved which mainly appeal to the younger generation. There would be bits and pieces that could be created to involve a more older age group but it is mainly focused on 16-25 year olds.

Before starting the preliminary task I had only used Adobe Photoshop once previosuly and I had never before used Indesign. I now feel that I have learnt quite a lot about how to use them well and how to makes something look like a real magazine should. Creating some of the pages that I had to sometimes took quite a long time, once you have become familiar with the tools available on these programs you then can perfom tasks a lot quicker. For this task I only produced a front cover, contents page and double page spread, it involved a great deal of research and hard work. I produced my front cover on Adobe Photoshop and the rest was made on Indesign.

Preliminary Task:
From the beginning I have always enjoyed creating these pages and since my first task I feel that I have learn a great amount. I have improved on my ICT skills and have also made a lot of progress seeing as I only knew very little abot Adobe Photoshop and nothing at all about Indesign.